Herbicide Notice
PSD Facilities anticipate putting down an herbicide treatment across the district grounds the week of March 24-28, 2025, weather dependent.
PSD Facilities anticipate putting down an herbicide treatment across the district grounds the week of March 24-28, 2025, weather dependent.
October 12, 2023
Students at Pendleton High School have been traveling back in time this week for Homecoming. This year’s theme featuring the school mascot is “Bucky Travels in a Time Machine!”
The planned dress-up days have been:
Monday 10/9: Bucky starts his time travels to the crazy 1960s; wear Hippies clothes like flower power and tie-dye
Tuesday 10/10: Bucky goes back in time and listens to his favorite music; wear your favorite band/music group T-shirt of any genre
Wednesday 10/11: Bucky travels back in time to when his parents were in high school; wear anything 1980s or 1990s
Thursday 10/12: Bucky returns to PHS for “Go Bucks” Day; wear anything Bucks or Buckaroos and go crazy with green and gold.
Due to State In-Service on Friday, 10/13, there are only four days of school this week. On Thursday morning is the all-school Homecoming Assembly. The football game against Ontario is Thursday night at 7:00 PM at the Round-Up Grounds. The Homecoming Court will be presented during halftime, and the Queen will be crowned. The Homecoming Dance is Friday night at the high school.
The annual Mud Wars competition will be held Wednesday, 10/18, at the Happy Canyon Arena. This traditional PHS event usually happens during Homecoming week, but it was moved to next week due to a scheduling conflict at the arena.
Grace Pitner, PHS Senior and member of PHS Leadership said the week has been really fun for students to dress up and get in the Buckaroo spirit. Pitner said, “Homecoming is a lot of work for the Leadership students, and the weeks leading up to now have been very busy. But it’s great when it all happens, and students have a good time participating in the fun!”
Pendleton High School Freshman Link Crew Day
August 29, 2022
When was PHS founded? How long are the passing periods between classes? What is a Buckaroo Spirit Morning?
These are some of the questions posed to incoming freshmen at Pendleton High School during Freshman Link Crew Day on Monday, August 29th. The day is intended for the newest high school students to have a few hours in the high school building to themselves to be introduced to being a PHS Buckaroo. After a large group assembly in Warberg Gym, the freshmen were divided into teams to play a version of the Amazing Race game, following their upperclassmen Link Crew Leaders around to get answers to those questions and many more.
Freshman Shevany Fernandez said she is excited to start at PHS. “The thing I am most worried about on the first day is getting lost,” she said.
Dillion Elrod, another incoming freshman, said high school life will definitely be something to adapt to. Still, he is looking forward to more diverse class choices, like metal fabricating which he is taking.
After the Amazing Race activity, the freshmen groups gathered in classrooms to participate in some “getting-to-know-you” games, complete with a little confusion and some laughter.
The freshmen class has 232 students and remains in the same Link Crew group during their entire freshman year. Principal Pat Dutcher said Link Crew Day is always a positive way to start the school year. “I always look forward to meeting the freshmen and seeing them start to explore their role here at PHS in the next few years.”
Riley Kennedy, a Senior, was a Link Crew leader on Monday. She said when she drove to PHS this morning, she thought about this being her senior year. “I remember when I did Link Crew my freshman year and how exciting it was. I am looking forward to all the senior fun this year, but it’s definitely a different feeling.”
And the answers to those questions – 1888, 5 minutes, and the designated day to go all out on Dress-Up Days.
The Pendleton FFA Chapter was well represented at the Oregon FFA State Convention in Redmond on March 17-20.
The 2021 PHS Graduation Ceremony will be live streamed at
The Pendleton School District is currently working with Umatilla County Public Health regarding possible COVID contact or exposure of Dance and Boys Soccer team members. Students and their families have been informed that UCoH is currently conducting contact tracing. Once that is complete, the District will make a determination of the appropriate actions to be taken and the duration of any suspension of activities. At this time, all activities associated with both teams have been suspended.
This is a good time to remind each other that COVID is still present in our community. We must continue our diligence in practicing the universal measures to prevent the spread of this virus by wearing a mask when around others, maintaining safe distances, frequently washing our hands and clothing, and self-quarantine when you are ill or not feeling well.
Hello Parents,
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, March 2nd, 4:00-7:30pm and Thursday, March 4th, 4:00-7:30pm. To schedule a conference with each teacher, click on the teacher name below and put your students name on an open time slot. Make sure you are on the week of March 1st. Conferences will be conducted virtually via Gmail Google Meets. Because some of you do not have Gmail accounts, I will also email students as they all have Gmail accounts. Here is a link to a video below that will show you how to schedule conferences:
You do not need to schedule conferences with all your student’s teachers. Call us at 966-3804 if you need help.
Here are the links to teacher appointment calendars:
Pendleton students, parents and community,
It has been a long time since we’ve seen any Buckaroos suit up and play any official athletic competitions, however we are as close as we’ve been since last spring. As of the posting of this letter, we have clearance to start soccer and cross-country practices and competitions. Football and volleyball are working through other requirements in order to compete. Here is a quick rundown of where each fall sport is at:
Boys and Girls Soccer– Both soccer programs have been working out a few days a week and will commence with official practice starting Feb. 22. Our girls open the season at Hermiston on March 2 and the boys open March 4 at home against La Grande.
Boys and Girls Cross Country- The Cross Country program has been working out a few days a week and will commence with official practice starting Feb. 22. They will open the season on March 3 at home against Hood River.
Volleyball- The volleyball program is currently under the guidance of the OHA Indoor Recreation and Fitness establishments. According to the guidance, we are prohibited from having any official workouts, practices or games until Umatilla County falls out of the extreme category. We are allowed to have small groups of athletes in the gym for 45 minutes at a time until we are clear. We will be monitoring the situation week to week in hopes that our girls can play.
Football- Football was given the clearance to start practicing and holding contests late last week, but with many qualifiers attached to the guidance. We should be able to get the kids in helmets this week and are on track for our first contest March 5 at Parkrose.
We are very excited to get our athletes back competing again. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me at 541-966-3805. Thank you and Go Buckaroos!.
Mike Somnis
Pendleton High School
Athletic Director/Assistant Principal
Open Google Meet is called: Remembering Michelle Sickels
Tuesday, Dec. 15, 8-3:30pm
PHS Crisis Line: 541-966-3882
Karen Demianew, 9th (A-G) and 11th Grade
Ron Murphy, 9th (H-O) and 12th Grade
Madeline Stuveland, 9th (P-Z) and 10th Grade
Melissa Sandven, Principal
Pendleton High School
Pendleton School District
107 NW 10th Street, Pendleton, OR 97801
Phone: 541.276.6711 Fax: 541.278.3208
The Pendleton School District assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability or income as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related authorities, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any Pendleton School District sponsored program or activity.
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