Letter to Parents
In light of the metrics that the state has required for our school district to provide in-person
instruction, we will start the year with comprehensive distance learning.
In light of the metrics that the state has required for our school district to provide in-person
instruction, we will start the year with comprehensive distance learning.
The Class of 2020 graduation video is posted.
This year’s PHS Class of 2020 brought in over $2,497,907 in scholarships!
As graduation nears, Principal Sandven has provided additional details for senior events.
1) Scholarship Night via Google Meeting: May 27, 7:00 pm.
2) Hawthorne High School Graduation, Drive-Through Format at P-TECH: May 27, 6:00 pm.
3) Baccalaureate via Google Meeting: May 28, 7:00 pm. (sponsored by Chris Thatcher and Young Life)
4) Final Drive-Through Check-Out, May 29, 10-2 pm (return books and other school property, pay fees) Senior Parents distribute gifts to seniors 10-12:00 pm at Warberg Court.
5) Pendleton High School Graduation, Drive-Through Format at Round-Up Grounds: May 30, 10:00 am.
Please call the High School if you have questions. (541) 966-3800
Principal Melissa Sandven has provided details regarding PHS graduation on May 30, 2020. Please follow the link to read her letter: Graduation Communication
The state of Oregon developed avenues for students to work towards and obtain a seal of bi-literacy on their high school diploma for demonstrating the ability to read, write, listen, and speak in more than one language. Pendleton School District connected Taffy Carlisle from the Oregon Department of Education to the CTUIR Language Department to develop a pathway for students learning Indigenous languages at Nixya’awii and Pendleton High School to demonstrate proficiency and obtain this high honor. CTUIR Language Department has been working tirelessly to preserve languages lost due to colonization and assimilation efforts of the past. Part of this work has been a pre-school language immersion program, Kindergarten Heritage Language program, addition of first grade Heritage Language program, and High School Language programs.
Five graduating seniors have earned the high honor of the seal of bi-literacy for the first time.
Seth Scott of PHS, Nez Perce language
Christina Kaltsukis, Susie Patrick, Lily Picard, and Joseph Simon of NCS, Umatilla language
Please visit the following link to read the full press release from CTUIR:
Five seniors awarded for proficiency in native languages
Pendleton High School will be conducting its graduation ceremony on Saturday, May 30th. Due to the pandemic impacts and social restrictions that are currently in place, this year’s ceremony will be different from year’s past, in particular, we will be utilizing a “drive-thru” strategy. There is a limit of one vehicle per graduate to the presentation of diplomas that will take place at the Round-Up Grounds. Despite these historic times, we are excited to be able to honor our graduating seniors in the Class of 2020.
Although final details are still being determined, graduates and families should expect to receive instructions for the 30th within the next 5-7 days. Please contact the school directly with any questions at 541.966.3804.
Senior Drive-Through Check-Out: Monday, May 4, 10:00 am – 2:30 pm
Drive through bus lane in front of the school.
Pay for Cap and Gown if you have not already done so. (10:00am-1:00pm ONLY)
Pick Up Cap and Gown
Pay Fees
Return library and textbooks (keep books you still need and turn in at end of the semester!)
Return other school property (uniforms, etc.)
Pick Up Athletic Photos and Certificates
Pick Up PE and school locker contents
Grades 9 – 11 Drive-Through: Wednesday, May 6, 10:00 am – 2:30 pm
Drive through bus lane in front of the school.
Pay Fees
Return library and textbooks (keep books you still need and turn in at end of the semester!)
Return other school property (uniforms, etc.)
Pick Up Athletic Photos and Certificates
Pick up PE and school locker contents
Pendleton School District
107 NW 10th Street, Pendleton, OR 97801
Phone: 541.276.6711 Fax: 541.278.3208
The Pendleton School District assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability or income as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related authorities, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any Pendleton School District sponsored program or activity.
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