Herbicide Notice
PSD Facilities anticipate putting down an herbicide treatment across the district grounds the week of March 24-28, 2025, weather dependent.
PSD Facilities anticipate putting down an herbicide treatment across the district grounds the week of March 24-28, 2025, weather dependent.
As the school district continues to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and its challenges, we want to update our staff, students, and families about our most recent COVID guidelines.
This Friday, December 10th, the School Based Health Center(SBHC) staff will conduct another well child clinic for families that live within the boundaries of the Pendleton School District.
We are looking for family members of students who receive special programs services to serve on an advisory committee.
I want to share with you some important information about vaccines for students.
It’s hard to believe we are already two months into the 21-22 school year.
As we return from Round-Up week, I would like to take a moment to thank all of our families for a great opening of the 2021-2022 school year.
Overall, I would say this has been a smooth opening to school when you factor in all of the distractions and challenges of the past year and a half. I want to make sure everyone is clear of a few things as we take a short recess for the Round-Up next week.
The first day of school is just two weeks away.
During the 2021-2022 school year, Pendleton School District will follow the CDC guidelines directed by Umatilla County Health Department for those who test positive for COVID-19 or are identified as a contact.
Pendleton School District
107 NW 10th Street, Pendleton, OR 97801
Phone: 541.276.6711 Fax: 541.278.3208
The Pendleton School District assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability or income as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related authorities, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any Pendleton School District sponsored program or activity.
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