Pendleton High School CTE Student Spotlight – Viviana Martinez
Name: Viviana Martinez
Grade: Senior
What CTE classes/pathway are you taking?
I am taking Advanced Studio Art, which aligns with the Visual and Media Arts CTE Pathway.
What do you enjoy about your CTE classes at PHS?
I really enjoy how freely we are able to create within the classroom. The studio art classes are entirely independent, which encourages me to plan and design virtually anything I want. Mrs. Prevot, the art teacher, also gives positive feedback and advice for my and other student’s ideas, which is encouraging.
How are CTE classes making a difference in your education?
Since I want art to be my future career pursuit, the Visual and Media Arts CTE Pathway has made it exponentially easier to learn different drawing/painting techniques and how to navigate through different digital applications. Being able to use different digital art/photography programs has been beneficial since those skills are needed in a professional multimedia environment.
Would you like to share anything else about CTE at PHS?
Taking any CTE Pathway is a good way to keep track of what skills and knowledge you need to know for your future career.