Herbicide Notice

PSD Facilities anticipate putting down an herbicide treatment across the district grounds the week of March 24-28, 2025, weather dependent.

Pendleton Career Technical Education

Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs in Pendleton are comprised of technical training in targeted industries that ensure high school students’ success in advanced training, careers, and post-secondary education through:


  • Academic Preparation: CTE provides rigorous, industry-focused technical instruction and work-readiness preparation that supplements the district’s college prep core curriculum.
  • Engagement: Students receive real-world, industry-relevant, hands-on work experiences in the classroom and at the work sites of partners.
  • Exposure: CTE programs present viable college and career options, and opportunities to win scholarships, earn industry credentials, and build valuable industry networks that increase chances for student success.

The Pendleton School District relies on the expertise of area professionals and organizations to provide vital work-based learning experiences for students that take Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses. These experiences can be an internship, job shadowing experiences, sites visits to a partner company/corporation, a mentoring relationship, or listening to a guest speaker.

In CTE, students focus on a particular career path of interest within industry clusters while in high school, to learn about the industry and to obtain experience in the working world even before they graduate. The career clusters in Pendleton currently include: