General Resources
- Argus Clearinghouse – categorized internet resources which have been rated for content, frequency of updates, etc.
- Britannica Internet Guide – Encyclopedia Britannica has reviewed, rated, and indexed over 65,000 web sites. In the left column under “Explore,” click on the subject in which you’re interested (Arts & Entertainment, History & Humanities, Science & Technology, World & Travel, Health, or Education) and you will then get the option to view the Britannica Internet Guide for that section.
- Copyright & Fair Use
- The Gateway to Educational Materials – searches for quality lesson plans, curriculum units, and other education resources on the web
- Internet Public Library Home Page
- Libraries on the Web – Links to on-line college and university libraries
- The Library Spot – includes links to general reference tools, journals, magazines, newspapers, and library catalogs.
- Multnomah County Library – extensive index of categorized links selected by the reference staff at MCL
- My Virtual Reference Desk – a large collection of links to almanacs, newspapers, magazines, books, radio stations, etc.
- The On-Line Books Page – a searchable index of 13,000+ full-text books
- Sites for Teachers – a collection of both commercial and exemplary teacher-produced lesson plans
- Voice of the Shuttle Home Page – extensive collections of links grouped by major subject areas compiled by faculty and graduate students at UCSB; a few of the pages are indicated below:
- VoS: Architecture Page – numerous links to architecture-related sites including design, museums, teaching resources, etc.
- VoS: Art Page and Art History Page – large collection of art-related links including museums, galleries, artists and their works, images, etc.
- VoS: English Literature Page – links websites about literature written in English; grouped by time period, genre, country, etc.
- VoS: General Humanities Resources Page – a wealth of links to internet resources with humanities being very broadly defined
- VoS: Music Page and Dance Page – extensive list of links grouped primarily by time period
- VoS: Politics & Government Page – links to sites on Political theory, general international relations, and specifically the politics of France, U.K., Ireland, Russia, and U.S.
- VoS: Science, Technology, and Culture Page – includes links to mathematics, medicine, space, technology, et
- World Wide Web Virtual Library – numerous categorized links like Agriculture, Communications, International Relations, Regional Relations, Science, etc.
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- ArtSource – “a gathering point for networked resources on Art and Architecture. The content is diverse and includes pointers to resources around the net as well as original materials submitted by librarians, artists, and art historians, etc. This site is intended to be selective, rather than comprehensive.”
- VoS: Architecture Page– numerous links to architecture-related sites including design, museums, teaching resources, etc.
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- ArtSource – “a gathering point for networked resources on Art and Architecture. The content is diverse and includes pointers to resources around the net as well as original materials submitted by librarians, artists, and art historians, etc. This site is intended to be selective, rather than comprehensive.”
- Internet ArtResources – claims to be your complete guide to the visual arts; includes a search engine, reviews, artists, galleries, museums, etc.
- IPL: Arts and Humanities Reference– links to websites in the fine arts, history, literature, language & linguistics, philosophy, and religion
- Lincoln Public Schools Visual Art Home Page – annotated links related to the visual arts
- VoS: Art Page and Art History Page – large collection of art-related links including museums, galleries, artists and their works, images, etc.
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Foods & Nutrition
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Foreign Language
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- BJ’s Design Shoppe – copyright free graphics for web sites; check guidelines for use
- Detroit Publishing Company Photographs – from the Library of Congress, “includes over 25,000 glass negatives and transparencies as well as about 300 color photolithograph prints, mostly of the eastern United States.”
- – free animated GIFs, clip art, backgrounds, icon, bars, cartoons, etc.
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- HealthInfoQuest – designed to teach librarians and health information providers to locate reliable health and medical information online
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Language Arts
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- AP Calculus on the Web – information on changes in AP Calculus exam, teacher workshops, textbooks, approved graphing calculators, related www links, etc.
- Cornell Theory Center for Math and Science Gateway – maintained by the Cornell Department of Education to provide links to resources in mathematics and science for educators and students in grades 9-12
- The Geometry Center – features extensive resources on teaching and learning geometry at all levels; includes links to materials on arithmetic, algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, and calculus
- Lincoln Public Schools Math Resources – annotated links to math-related websites grouped by subject
- MacTutor: History of Mathematics – extensive biographical information on famous mathematicians
- Math Archives: Topics in Mathematics – organized by topic but also searchable by keyword
- McREL Mathematics Standards & Benchmarks – math standards, rationale, methodologies, associations, statistics, etc.
- Internet Mathematics Library – selected as the best of the internet resources for math from K-12, college, and advanced mathematics
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Native American Resources
- Index of Native American Resources on the Internet – includes links to pages of links dealing with Native American culture, history, education, language, art, genealogy, nations, etc. (loads slowly)
- Native Languages Page– links to sites related to Native American languages including Mayan hieroglyphics
- Native web: Resources for Indigenous cultures around the World – devoted to resources by and about Native Americans, with information on languages and culture, accessible by subject, geographical region, and nation with pointers to other Internet resources for Native Americans
- NativeTech: Native American Technology and Art – “Original articles focusing on the Eastern Woodlands providing historical and contemporary background, technical instruction and references” including bead-work, pottery, leather-work, and many others
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O.P.E.N. (Oregon Public Education Network)
- O.P.E.N. Clearing House Site Map
- Oregon Standards -a searchable database for the CIM/CAM/PASS-aligned standards
- Performance Standards – lists standards in reading & literature, writing, speaking, mathematics and others; scroll down and click on a blue number to bring up a corresponding work sample
- Proficiency-based Admissions Standards System – The Oregon University System, formerly (OSSHE) is currently developing a new approach to admission. This approach replaces traditional time-based proxies for learning, such as the Carnegie unit, with clearly specified statements of the knowledge and skills which students must master to be accepted into any of Oregon’s seven baccalaureate-granting institutions.
- Statewide Assessment – includes links to sample reading, literature, and math tests and test-taking aids
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Search Sites
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Social Studies
- The American Civil War Homepage – links to numerous Civil War sites
- General Web Links of Interest to Historians
- History/Social Studies Web Site for K-12 Teachers
- Immigration and Naturalization Service: Teacher and Student Resources – provides access to historical information on immigration and researching immigration laws and procedures as well as finding personal information on one’s own immigrant background on the INS site
- IPL: Arts and Humanities Reference – links to websites in the fine arts, history, literature, language & linguistics, philosophy, and religion
- IPL: Law, Government, & Political Science Reference
- Lincoln Public Schools Social Studies Online
- VoS:Politics & Government Page– links to sites on Political theory, general international relations, and specifically the politics of France, U.K., Ireland, Russia, and U.S.
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- TUCOWS – (The Ultimate Collection Of Windows Software) links to large collection of internet software for Mac, Windows 3.x/95/NT & OS/2
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- Cable in the Classroom Online Home Page
- Discovery Channel Online
- The History Channel – features an extensive Today in History including speeches, study guides, resources for educators, programming schedules, etc.
- PBS Teacher Connex – includes a monthly national schedule of PBS programs with links to local air times, program listings organized by curricular area, “Teaching Tools” for integrating technology into the curriculum, “Teacher Talk” highlighting selected PBS programs, and a “Feature of the Month”
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