Herbicide Notice

PSD Facilities anticipate putting down an herbicide treatment across the district grounds the week of March 24-28, 2025, weather dependent.

Pendleton Softball Records – PITCHING

Most Innings in a season
1. Kristen Crawford 183 1/3 2012
2. Lauren Richards 170 2018
3. Lauren Richards 157 2017
4. Kristen Crawford 141 1/3 2011
5. Marissa Jones 138 1/3 2013
6. Kristan Hereford 135 1993
7. Hailey Kline 131 1/3 2014
8. Alex Hillmick 131 2008
9. Jan Bailey 121 1/3 2000
10. Alex Hillmick 120 2009
10. Alex Hillmick 120 2010
Most Strike Outs
1. Lauren Richards 229 2017
1. Lauren Richards 229 2018
2. Alex Hillmick 171 2010
3. Alex Hillmick 169 2008
4. Kristen Crawford 149 2012
5. Lauren Richards 145 2016
6. Alex Hillmick 121 2009
7. Kristen Crawford 119 2011
7. Marissa Jones 119 2013
8. Alex Hillmick 112 2007
9. Hailey Kline 100 2014
10. Sauren Garton 95 2021
11. Linzie Ford 89 1997
Opposing Batting Average: (min. 10 innings pitched)
1. Kylie Parsons .115 2021
1. Alex Hillmick .122 2010
2. Alex Hillmick .132 2008
3. Sauren Garton .133 2021
4. Alex Hillmick .140 2009
5. Lauren Richards .156 2017
6. Lauren Richards .172 2016
7. Kelli Demianew .175 2010
8. Lauren Richards .178 2018
9. Kelli Demianew .182 2008
10. Kelli Demianew .185 2009
11. Alex Hillmick .189 2007
12. Courtney Jim .199 2006
ERA: under 2.00
1. Alex Hillmick .23 (120 inn.) 2010
2. Rachel Roberts .36 (77 inn.) 2001
3. Alex Hillmick .58 (120 inn.) 2009
4. Kylie Parsons .62 (56 inn.) 2021
5. Anna Wilcox .64 (87 inn.) 2001
6. Linzie Ford .68 (113.2 inn.) 1996
7. Jan Bailey .77 (114.1 inn.) 1999
8. Alex Hillmick .81 (131 inn.) 2008
9. Kelli Demianew .83 (59 inn.) 2010
10. Jessica Merriman .875 (32 inn.) 2005
11. Sauren Garton 1.11 (44 inn.) 2021
12. Kelli Demianew 1.17 (48 inn.) 2008
13. Kristen Crawford 1.18 (181 1/3 inn.) 2012
14. Lauren Richards 1.25 (157 inn.) 2017
15. Lauren Richards 1.35 (160 inn.) 2018
16. Kelli Demianew 1.38 (71 inn.) 2009
17. Kristen Crawford 1.58 (141 1/3 inn.) 2011
18. Lauren Richards 1.69 (103 inn.) 2016
19. Kelli Demianew 1.75 (64 inn.) 2007
20. Alex Hillmick 1.83 (107 inn.) 2007
21. Alexis Humphrey 1.94 (97 2/3 inn.) 2006
1. Courtney Jim 2 2006
1. Kristen Crawford 2 2011
Most wins
1. Lauren RIchards 26 2018
2. Kristen Crawford 23 2012
3. Lauren Richards 21 2017
4. Kristan Hereford 18 1993
4. Marissa Jones 18 2013
4. Haliey Kline 18 2014
5. Alex Hillmick 17 2008
6. Alex Hillmick 16 2010
6. Kristen Crawford 16 2011
7. Alex Hillmick 15 2009
7. Lauren Richards 15 2016
8. Jan Bailey 14 1999
8. Kiersten Murphy 14 2015
9. Alex Hillmick 13 2007
10. Kelli Demianew 10 2009